With close to 1.5 billion active users, Instagram is one of the largest social media platforms in the world. It’s a powerful platform with a lot of potential for businesses and individuals to make money. Amazon affiliates have a tremendous opportunity to tap into this market and boost their affiliate income.

In this article, we at Amz Watcher, developers of Amazon’s affiliate link checker, will take an in-depth look at the Instagram Amazon Affiliate program, how it works, why it is important, and everything else you need to know. By the end, you’ll clearly understand how to get started and make the most out of this incredible opportunity.


Why is Instagram the Right Platform for Amazon Affiliates?

Instagram is a visual platform, which makes it perfect for promoting products. People are used to seeing images and videos on the platform, so you can take advantage of this by posting high-quality pictures and videos of the products you are promoting.

Instagram says that almost half of Instagram users shop on the platform weekly. This presents an excellent opportunity for interested marketers to learn how to start Amazon affiliate marketing on Instagram.

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The multiple content formats, i.e., images, videos, and stories, also give you a lot of room to be creative with your content. You can experiment with different types of content to see what works best for you and your audience.

Another reason why Instagram is a great platform for affiliate marketing is that it has high engagement rates. The engagement rate is the percentage of people who see your content and take action, such as liking, commenting, or sharing it.

The high engagement rate is excellent for affiliate marketers because having an active audience may lead to more sales conversions. 

Lastly, Instagram has a very young user base, with over 59% being between the ages of 18 and 29. This is important because this age group is more likely to respond to calls to action on the content they see, such as clicking on links, buying products, etc.What is the Amazon Affiliate Program

What is the Amazon Affiliate Program?

Amazon’s affiliate marketing program, also called Amazon Associates, provides a way for content creators, influencers, publishers, and bloggers to monetize their web traffic. 

You can earn revenue by directing traffic to qualifying Amazon products from your website, blog, or social media profiles. When a customer clicks on one of your affiliate links and makes a purchase, you’ll receive a commission on the sale. 

Amazon uses trackable links to monitor the number of clicks or sales your content drives. The platform then pays you a commission based on the total sale amount, with rates varying depending on what you sell.What is the Amazon Affiliate Program1

There are millions of products available on Amazon, so there’s no shortage of opportunities to generate income from the program. And, because Amazon is such a trusted brand, your visitors are more likely to purchase than they would be if you directed them to other sites.

This program is open to anyone, making it a great way to monetize your content. Because Amazon is one of the world’s largest online retailers, its affiliate program has the potential to generate a significant income.

How Does the Amazon Affiliate Program Work?

Amazon affiliates can build customized links to Amazon products and share them on their websites, blogs, social media, etc. When people click on those links and buy products from Amazon, the Associate earns a commission on the sale. It’s that simple!

There are two different types of commissions that an Associate can earn:

  • Referrals: When a customer clicks on an Associate’s link and makes a purchase within 24 hours, the Associate earns a commission on the sale. The amount of the commission varies depending on the total value of the order.
  • Product Advertising Fees: Associates can also earn commissions on qualifying product advertising fees generated through special links on their site. These fees are based on a percentage of the total amount of the sale, and they vary by product category.

How to do Amazon Affiliate Marketing on Instagram Successfully

To succeed with this program, you need to have significant traffic to your Instagram account. If you don’t have a lot of traffic, it will be challenging to generate enough sales to make a meaningful income from the program.

Another critical factor is the engagement of your followers. If you have many followers, but they aren’t very engaged, it’s unlikely they’ll click on your affiliate links. To succeed, you need to have an engaged audience interested in what you’re promoting.

How to Prepare Your Insta Profile for Amazon Affiliate Program

Now that you know how the Amazon affiliate program works, you need to ensure that your profile is set up correctly. This will help you take advantage of the program. Below is a list of things you need to do to prepare your profile:

Step 1: Switch to a Creator Account

Your regular Instagram account won’t work for this. You need to switch to a Creator account to access the features you need for promoting your links.

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To switch to a Creator account:

  • Go to your account
  • Click Settings > Account
  • Under Switch to a Professional Account, select Creator
  • Choose a category that best describes your specific niche
  • Enter contact information, including an email address, and phone number

Instagram creator profiles are specifically made for people who want to use the platform to build their brand and grow their audience. This includes content creators, influencers, bloggers, and other online personalities.

The account gives you access to tools that will skyrocket your affiliate venture, including advanced insights, the ability to schedule posts, and access to Creator Studio.

Through this account, you can see your audience demographics, follower growth, and engagement rate. This information is valuable because it helps you understand what content performs well with your audience and what doesn’t.

It also allows you to see how your audience has grown over time. This is important because the size of your audience will directly impact your ability to generate sales through the affiliate marketing program.

Step 2: Build Your Influence

The other critical part of preparing your Amazon affiliate Instagram business is to start building your influence.

According to a survey by Statista, Instagrammers with over 10,000 Instagram followers can demand as much as $193 per sponsored post. This means you don’t need millions of followers to start making money through affiliate marketing.

There are a few things you can do to start building your influence on Instagram:

  • Post high-quality content: This should be a no-brainer, but it’s worth repeating. You need to post high-quality content to grow your following and engage your audience. This means content that is well-written, informative, and visually appealing.
  • Use hashtags: Hashtags are a great way to reach new people. When using hashtags, make sure you’re using relevant, popular ones. You can also create your own branded hashtag to help promote your business.
  • Engage with other users: Don’t just post and disappear. Make sure you like and comment on other people’s posts. This will help you get noticed and start building relationships with other users.
  • Have a strong profile: Your profile is the first thing people see when they visit your page. Make sure you have a strong bio that tells people what you’re all about. You should also include a link to your website or blog in your bio.
  • Create compelling visuals: People are visual creatures. To capture their attention, you need to create compelling visuals. This means using high-quality images and videos in your posts.

Your goal should be to be an Instagram influencer in your niche. Once you’ve reached this level, you’ll be able to start making money through affiliate marketing.

How to use Amazon Affiliate Links on Instagram

Now that your profile is ready, it’s time to start promoting products.

But before you start sharing links, you must note that the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) requires influencers to disclose any material connection they have with brands. If you’re promoting a product as an affiliate, you must let your followers know. 

The best way to do this is to add a disclosure to your bio. You can also add disclosures to your posts, but this isn’t required.

Top tip: Disclose your affiliate status using hashtags such as #ad, #paidpromotions, or #commissionsearned on your Instagram content.

Here’s @stuntman.mikey disclosing their affiliate status with #amazonaffiliate inserted in the post.  How to use Amazon Affiliate Links on Instagram

How to Put Amazon Links on Instagram Stories

Instagram stories is a feature that allows you to share photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. This is a great way to promote products by including affiliate links.

To add an Amazon link to your stories:

  • Click the plus (+) sign on your homepage
  • Select Story
  • Choose a file from the gallery
  • Go to the Stickers menu
  • Choose the Link sticker
  • In the URL field, enter the link you want to promote
  • Click Done
  • Click Continue to post to stories

You can check your story’s stats to see how many people have clicked on your link.

To do this, simply go to your story and swipe up. Here you’ll see the number of views and clicks for each piece of content.

How to Put Multiple Amazon Links in Your Bio

Adding multiple Amazon links to your bio is a great way to increase your affiliate income. However, Instagram itself only allows you to add one link to your bio. Luckily, a few workarounds will allow you to add multiple Amazon links to your bio.

The best workaround is to use a service like Linktree. Linktree is a free service that allows you to add multiple links to your bio. All you need to do is sign up for a free account. Once you have an account, you can create a single link that will lead to a page with all your links.

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@kinderqueen123 uses LinkTree on her profile to create a landing page for her various online links. How to Put Multiple Amazon Links in Your Bio

When your link is ready, simply add it to your bio and start driving traffic to it. Linktree also offers a paid plan that gives you more features, such as the ability to add branding and custom colors. However, the free plan is more than sufficient for most people.

There are a few best practices you should keep in mind when adding multiple Amazon links to your bio or Instagram stories. They include:

Only add relevant links: Only add links to products that are relevant to your audience. If you’re a fashion blogger, there’s no need to add links to kitchen appliances.

Don’t add too many links: Adding too many links will make your bio look spammy and likely turn people off from clicking on any of them. Stick to around five or six links at most.

Test the links before you add them: Make sure the links you’re adding actually work. Broken links are a surefire way to lose potential customers.

How to Share Amazon links in Instagram Posts

Instagram posts are a great place to show off the products you promote, provided you take an authentic and non-salesy approach. With carefully selected hashtags inserted into your own eye-catching photos and videos, you can extend your reach and attract people’s attention.

Unfortunately, though, Instagram doesn’t allow you to add clickable Amazon links to the captions in your Instagram posts. Despite this, there are ways to make the most of captions and draw attention to your products.

The best way to do it is to provide clear instructions in the caption that direct people to the link in your bio or stories.

In the Instagram post, first paint a picture of the product. Then, encourage people to click the link in your bio or stories. 

You can also use a URL shortener, like Bitly, to shorten links before pasting them into your posts. Shortening links makes it easier for your audience to copy-paste the URL into their browser, or remember what to search. 

Note that this second approach does present a bit more friction for your audience. So, save it for posts that are highly targeted and relevant.  

@remibader shows us how it’s done with a directive to shop the link in bio. How to Share Amazon links in Instagram Posts

How to Add an Amazon Link to Your Instagram Bio

Your bio is the perfect place to add an Amazon link. After all, it’s one of the first things people see when they visit your profile. Plus, you can always change your bio link as needed.

To add an Amazon link to your bio, simply go to your profile and tap “Edit Profile.” From there, scroll down to the “Website” section and enter your affiliate store or product link. Once you’ve done that, tap “Done” to save your changes.

For example, @danyinthebronx has linked his Amazon store in his Instagram bio. How to Add an Amazon Link to Your Instagram Bio

It’s important to note that you can only add one link to your bio. So if you’re using a service like Linktree to enable you to add multiple links, make sure to use the URL provided by Linktree (not your Amazon affiliate link).

Things to Avoid as an Amazon Associate on Instagram

There are a few things every Amazon affiliate Instagrammer should avoid if they want to be successful. These include:

1. Avoid Emails and Pop-Up Ads to Promote Affiliate Links

Your followers are on Instagram to see your content, not to be bombarded with affiliate links. If you’re constantly pushing links in front of them, they’ll quickly get annoyed and unfollow your page. 

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Therefore, avoid using emails and pop-up ads to promote your links.

2. Don’t Use Star Ratings and Customer Reviews Unless Obtained Directly Through the Product Advertising API

When you use star ratings and customer reviews in your posts, you must ensure they are obtained directly through the Product Advertising API. 

If you use any other means to obtain this information, such as Amazon’s official website or a third-party website, it is against their terms of service and could result in your account being banned.

3. Avoid Using Amazon Images – Take Your Own

Amazon protects its intellectual property by banning the use of its images on any other website. If you use Amazon images on your Instagram page, you could risk a ban from the platform. Therefore, avoid using Amazon images and take your own pictures to share with your community instead. 

The added benefit of this is it adds credibility to your reviews and recommendations. Your followers will see that you have physically tried and tested the products in question. As a result, they will trust your content more. 

4. Steer Clear of Mentioning Amazon Prices – They Change Constantly

The prices on Amazon are constantly changing, which makes it challenging to provide accurate prices for anything you advertise. For example, stores or stockists might apply discounts or update their pricing annually. Products can also go out of stock.

So, if you use Amazon prices in your posts, you risk being outdated by the time people in your community see them. Being met with a different figure when clicking through to the platform can prove frustrating. 

If this is the case, your followers might abandon the purchase or look for another credible source of information on Instagram. To remedy this, avoid using Amazon prices in your content. Instead, giving an approximate or expected price range can be safer. 

5. Don’t Forget To Disclose Your Affiliation

The biggest mistake any Amazon affiliate Instagram enthusiast can make is not disclosing their affiliation. If you don’t admit that you’re an affiliate, you could be accused of misleading your followers and be banned from the Associate’s program. 

Therefore, always disclose your affiliation when promoting Amazon products on Instagram.

6. Never Ignore Amazon’s Affiliate Policy

Amazon has a strict policy that all affiliates must follow. This ranges from rules on disclosure to promotions and everything in between. 

If you ignore these policies, you risk being banned from the Amazon affiliate program. Therefore, ensure you are familiar with all the rules before promoting any products on Instagram.

7. Avoid Making False or Deceptive Claims In Your Recommendations

When you make recommendations on Instagram or elsewhere, you need to be truthful. Don’t try to mislead your followers by making false claims about the products you’re promoting. This will not only damage your reputation but could also get you banned from Amazon Associates. 

Therefore, ensure you understand the product you’re promoting and make accurate claims in your recommendations. Read as much as possible about it, purchase it, and try it out yourself. This way, you can be confident in the suggestions you’re making.

How To Use Instagram For Promoting Your Amazon Affiliate Review Blog

An Amazon affiliate review blog is a blog that focuses on reviewing products that are sold on Amazon. These blogs typically use affiliate links to generate income (in order to generate amazon affiliate link use our free tools).

There are a few ways you can use Instagram to promote your Amazon affiliate review blog.

The simplest way to do it is to add the link to your blog in your Instagram bio and make sure your posts are public. Mention in your stories, reels, and posts that there’s a link in your bio where your followers can find out more about the content in question. 

Besides that, you can also:

Use Hashtags to Expand Your Reach

Find popular hashtags related to affiliate marketing and the Amazon products and product reviews you promote. Use these hashtags on your posts so that people interested in these topics can find them. Then, direct them to your blog link in your bio to find out more. 

To find relevant hashtags, look at what your competitors are doing. This will provide a good indicator of hashtags that may be relevant to your audience. 

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Some sites provide you with tools to find popular hashtags according to industry, including:

  • SparkToro
  • Inflact

For example, say you review drones and have affiliate links to Amazon. You could use SparkToro to uncover websites and social profiles that people who frequently talk about drones visit. Look at what they use as hashtags and see if you can apply this to your Instagram content. Use Hashtags to Expand Your Reach

Run Ads

You can use Instagram ads to promote your blog. Just create an ad with a link to your blog and target your ideal audience.

Collaborate With Other Bloggers

Find other non-competitive bloggers who are in a complementary niche to yours and work on a collaboration. You can do this by doing Insta takeovers, sharing each other’s posts, adding mentions in posts, or running joint giveaways. This will help you reach a wider audience where you can share the link to your blog. 

Six Useful Tips for Amazon Affiliate Instagram Marketing

Below are actionable tips on how to promote amazon affiliate links on Instagram and improve your presence:

Use Swipe Up (See More)

One way to stand out on Instagram and get more clicks on your affiliate links is to use the “Swipe Up” feature. This allows you to add a link to your Story where people can click and be taken to your blog or website.

To use this feature, you need to have at least 10,000 followers. Therefore, you need to put in a lot of work and use the tips outlined earlier in the post to increase your following.

Share Coupon Codes! They Work

Another helpful tip is to use coupon codes in your posts. This will entice people to click on your affiliate links as they’ll be able to get a discount on the products they purchase.

To find coupon codes, you can search on Google or contact the brands directly and ask if they have any coupons or promotional codes you can use. Most brands are happy to provide this information as it helps them increase sales.

However, you should only use coupon codes relevant to the products you’re promoting. Otherwise, people will be less likely to trust your recommendations.

Don’t Ignore Hashtags

Your goal in the Amazon affiliate Instagram program is to reach as many people as possible interested in the products you’re promoting. There is no better way to reach a large group of targeted people than by using hashtags.

Think about it this way; if someone is searching for #boseheadphones on Instagram, they are most likely looking to purchase electronics. If you have a post with the hashtag #boseheadphones and they see it, there is a chance they will click on the link in your Instagram bio and purchase the product.

Use popular hashtags that are closely related to the products you review or the niche you’re in. Going too broad means your posts may get lost in the millions of other posts with the same hashtag. Therefore, take your time and analyze which hashtags will work best for you and your niche.

Mention Feature – it is a Good Idea!

The mention feature is a great way to get your posts seen by more people, especially if you mention a big brand or influencer in your caption. When you mention someone in your caption, their username becomes a link, and anyone who clicks on it will be taken to their Instagram profile.

If you mention a relevant brand or influencer, there is a chance they will see your post and possibly even share it with their followers. This is a great way to get more exposure for your Amazon affiliate links.

Run Contests Regularly

People love free stuff, so why not run a contest on your Amazon affiliate Instagram account? You can give away products that you’re promoting or even gift cards.

Make entry to the contest simple, such as following your account and liking your post. This will increase engagement on your posts and get more people interested in the products you’re promoting. If people have to jump through too many hoops, they will likely give up and move on.

However, be money-conscious and don’t give away too many prizes. A good rule of thumb is to give away one prize for every thousand followers. Depending on your budget, you may want to give away more or less.

Don’t Forget About Highlights

Instagram highlights are a great way to showcase your best content and make it easy for people to find. You can create highlights for specific topics, such as ‘contests’ or ‘best sellers.’

This is a great way to keep your Amazon affiliate Instagram account organized and tidy. Plus, it will make it easier for people to find the content they are looking for.

Bottom Line About Amazon Affiliate Marketing on Instagram

Amazon affiliate marketing on Instagram is a great way to boost your income. By implementing the tips and insights outlined in this article, you can increase your earnings and take advantage of Instagram’s vast potential.

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One important thing to note is that this is not an overnight success strategy. It takes time and effort to grow a following on Instagram, but the potential rewards are well worth it. 

Patience is key when implementing any new marketing strategy, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. With time and effort, you can succeed with Amazon’s affiliate marketing on Instagram.

FAQs About Instagram & Amazon Affiliate

Is Amazon Associates still profitable in 2022?

With the right strategy, patience, hard work, and a little bit of luck, you can make a full-time income from the Amazon Associates Program. To be successful in this program, you’ll need to put in the effort to build a massive following on Instagram and a niche affiliate blog that converts well and drives traffic from multiple sources.

How to add an Amazon-branded button on Instagram?

You can add an Amazon-branded button to your posts if you’re an Amazon seller. This makes it easy for customers to find and buy the products you’re promoting on Instagram. You can also use this button to direct customers to your Amazon storefront.

To add an Amazon-branded button, you need a tool like Taplink. This service allows you to add links to your Instagram posts. Once you sign up for Taplink, you will find over 60 buttons that you can add to your posts, including an Amazon button.

To add this button:

  • Go to your Taplink account
  • Click on the “Add Block” tab
  • Tap “Social Networks
  • Choose Amazon from the dropdown in the Shopping section
  • Paste the link to the product you want to promote
  • Click Save Changes

Remember, you can repeat this process to add as many Amazon-branded buttons as you want.

Your followers will now see an Amazon-branded button on your post. They’ll be taken to your Amazon storefront or the product page when they tap the button.

What percentage do you get as an Amazon Associate?

The percentage you earn as an Amazon Associate varies depending on the product category. Generally, you get 3-10% of the product’s sale price.

How many followers do you need to join the Amazon Influencer Program?

Amazon doesn’t disclose the number of followers you need to be a part of their influencer program. However, they do say that they look at factors such as the quality and engagement of your posts when determining if you’re eligible. Therefore, you need considerable followers and engagement to be considered for the program.

How to publish the landing page for your Instagram?

You need a plugin such as SeedProd to create a landing page for your Instagram account. Follow these simple steps:

  • Install and activate the SeedProd plugin on WordPress
  • Click Create A New Landing Page
  • Choose a template
  • Customize your design
  • Publish your landing page

You must then add a link to your landing page in your Instagram bio. When people click the link, they’ll be taken to the page where they can sign up for your email list or download a freebie.

Remember, you can create multiple landing pages and link to them in other places on your Instagram account, such as your posts or stories.

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